Our little friend John Eric (carepages: johnericbartels) is losing his fight with Neuroblastoma. He made it all the way through his first rounds of treatment (the high risk protocol w/transplant) only to find his cancer had come back in the primary tumor spot. His parents have decided that after trying their last options of experimental chemo and that not working and causing more pain, that they are choosing quality of quantity of life. They are meeting with hospice today and also setting up... I can't even say it.... They are making decisions today that no parent should ever have to make for their child. The children should be the ones planning this for their parents that have lived long and happy lives.
I have never met John Eric or his family, but I'm connected to them now through this stupid, nasty, hateful diseas we call Neuroblastoma. I hate it. I'm heartbroken for the Bartel family. It hurts to have to read that.
I know these aren't the posts you all want to read, but if you can please go to John Eric's carepage and leave his family words of encouragement, or at least pray for peace, understanding and soon comfort.
I am also broken hearted about John Eric. I pray GOD will hold them close during this time. I am also praying for you and Lukas. Hugs and prayers. Carolyn Wing/Angel_Wings grandma to Laura Stage IV neuroblastoma carepage LauraVDB
We have all found our hearts and our prayers expanded once Lukas was diagnised, because we met other families like John Eric's and Coleman's, and Sam's and Mariah's. I could list a whole host of children who should not be sick!
God gives us an unlimited capacity to care for and love each other. Jesus even tells us to "love each other as I have loved you". That's pure, perfect love. As sad as I am over this, I am so thankful to have met all of the families that I have met. Each family has faced their trials with grace and faith, and are the heroes to me.
As proud as I am of Heather and Kurt, I am equally proud of Jay and Alisha Bartels and Scott and Peggy Larson, and Gary and Beth Mann, and all of the other parents to whom I've talked. You are in my prayers as much as Lukas and his family are.
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