What is that you ask?
Oh, yes, that was the stay where they told us Lukas DIDN'T HAVE CANCER ANYMORE!!!
Loading up on antibiotics and playing like a rambunctious little boy! (Notice the blue under his chin? It was a wrap to hold his needle in place. His port was infected so it itched really bad and he kept pulling at the needle.)
"Ock, ock!" That's Lukas for rock.
Port was finally removed and we started the game of Peripheral IV's... The game part was finding a good vein that wouldn't collapse. The next few pics all feature a different PIV.
Yes, Lukas likes to get his own vitals, thank you very much. He can do it all, blood pressure, temp, pulse/ox, and he can use the stethescope like any trained professional
Calling in a rescue card... No one came.
Lukas took the drum sticks from another kid and started dancing and beating the drum pads. It was really cute!
Lukas decided he wanted to sit in this Bumbo and got stuck! It took two of us to get him out! Me to pull him and Beth to pull the Bumbo! He didn't think it was as funny as I did.
This is Lukas first picture after getting the results of all his scans. NED!!!! No Evidence of Disease!!!!!!! WOW!!!
Another beautiful shot of his PICC line.
And this......led to this....
New port on the right side. He needed it anyway, so this wasn't a suprise to us.
So for now we are just living life and having as much fun and good times as we can. We still have clinic visits, now just once a month though, and we are now on our 3mos. scan schedule. Don't have to see the Neurosurgeon or ENT for another year and we were just released today from our NeuroOpthamologis. So that leaves us with our regular Opthomologist and Oncologist appointments. And of course we are still doing music therapy once a week and vision therapy twice a week. I like the direction this is heading but, man, it sure feels weird. I had this horrible feeling for the last few weeks that I've been forgetting something, that we have missed appointments. He is also still on 3-4 medicines a day and getting his IVIG infusions once a month, so I guess it's hard for me to feel like we are done, because we really aren't, just done with the harsh chemicals. We still have another 6 months of medicines to take every day to make sure he's back up to 100%, he is still suseptable to infections and illnesses, but he is recovering. Slowly but surely we are making it there.
too cute!! im so happy for that news!! its awesome, and he is so stinkin cute!!!
I love all these pictures.. All my nephews (and niece) are so cute!!
I love them.
I love all the pics! I am so happy for your family!
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