We are all just worn out. Theron is sick now. This beautiful (and I use the term lightly) weather is really bothering his asthma. His poor eyes have been so droopy the last couple of days and he can't stop coughing. He keeps saying it's an owie when he coughs or his lungs start to tighten up.
Kurt has had a ton of bids to do the last few days so he's been up late working every night and then he's been sleeping with Theron because Theron hasn't been sleeping well since he's been sick, so he's up all night with him.
Lukas is just worn out period. I don't think I need to explain why.
Me, oh, let me count the reasons...... I have to get up at least every 2 hours to change Lukas diaper since he started IV fluids at night, I don't get much, if any nap when the boys go down because they aren't on the same schedule anymore. I can't sleep anyway without lying in bed for at least an hour each night trying to make sense of all of this then I wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning to unhook Lukas IV and that stirs him so I have to rock him back to sleep. And starting tomorrow I'll have to be back at the hospital at 7:45 am every day until his counts are good enough to start his harvest... That means leaving my house by 7am, which means I have to get up by 6:15 to get ready. Yes, I have to get ready because if I don't get a shower and get going, I'll fall asleep driving and then we'd have a much more serious situation on our hands...
If I had the money, I'd hire a full time nurse that slept during the day and was up with Lukas at night.
I'm so stinkin tired. Eck.
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